The Vagelos MLS Program prepares students to become leaders in science. The physical sciences and mathematics are essential to many developments in basic and applied science, including biology and biomedicine. As a result, the program emphasizes course work in mathematics, chemistry, and physics in years 1-2. Students explore intermediate and advanced courses in these and other sciences in years 2-4.
The Vagelos MLS program develops a strong foundation in math and natural sciences in the first two years. The emphasis is on continuing advancement of student knowledge and skills beyond that obtained from prior study.
The core consists of key components:
- Two-semester first-year seminar CHEM 0250
- Two semesters each of Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics in the first year
- Courses in Biology, Mathematics (Fall) and Physics (Fall or Spring) in year two
- Major in Biochemistry, Biophysics, Chemistry, or Physics
- Second natural science major in a natural science
- Two summers of full-time, stipend-supported research
This four-year Program emphasizes getting the most from Penn during your time as an undergraduate. The Vagelos MLS Program requires that a minimum of 40 academic year course units be earned at Penn. This is in addition to any Advanced Placement credit, transfer credit, credit earned prior to the first year, independent study, and/or summer course credit. Students complete a minimum of 5 cu per term. At Penn, 1 cu is roughly one course, and this load exceeds that of most students in the College of Arts & Sciences. All College of Arts & Sciences General Education Requirements must be satisfied for graduation.
“Without the Vagelos MLS program, I would have never known my late blooming interest in mathematics, and I would have never been exposed to theoretical and computational chemistry, which is what I ultimately ended up doing for my career. “
—Surl-Hee (Shirley) Ahn Ph.D (MLS’12)
“The rigor of the MLS program gave me an unparalleled understanding of physical and biological sciences that allowed me to flourish and really accelerated my career.”
—Leo Wang (MLS’12)
“Regarding the sciences, the MLS program does an excellent job of providing broad exposure to the various disciplines within molecular sciences, facilitated through both coursework and interactions with peers.”
—June Ahn (MLS’24)
Academic Schedule Years 1-4
As an example, requirements of the Vagelos Scholars Molecular Life Sciences Program are presented for each year within for a the Biochemistry major. Alternate schedules for other majors are provided on this site. The selection of courses in the first year may be adjusted for students with substantial university-level coursework taken prior to the first year.
Year 1
First Year | |
Fall | Spring |
CHEM 0250 (0.5 cu) Structural Biology | CHEM 0250 (0.5 cu) Structural Biology |
CHEM 1012 or 1151 (1 cu) General Chemistry | CHEM 1022 or 1161 (1 cu) General Chemistry |
MATH 1400, 1410, or 1610 (1 cu) Calculus | MATH 1410, 2400, or 2600 (1 cu) Calculus |
PHYS 0150 or 0170 (1.5 cu) Principles of Physics | PHYS 0151 or 0171 (1.5 cu) Principles of Physics |
College Requirement (1 cu) | College Requirement (1 cu) |
All entering MLS students are expected to have had at least one year each of calculus, physics, and chemistry at the high school level. Most first-years enter with some Advanced Placement background. We expect all first-years to take chemistry, mathematics and physics in both semesters. For example, if you have AP credit for Physics 150 and 151, you should take Physics 170 and 171. If you have credit for Math 1410, you should take Math 2400 and 2410 or Math 1610 and 2600. Students starting with Chemistry 1012 or 1151 should take CHEM 1022 or CHEM 1161 in the spring term. CHEM 1151 and 1161 are targeted toward students with strong backgrounds in Chemistry.
Students are encouraged to complete the writing and foreign language requirements in year one.
Year 2
Second Year | |
Fall | Spring |
CHEM 2411 (1.5 cu) Organic Chemistry & Lab | CHEM 2421 (1.5 cu) Organic Chemistry & Lab |
Biological course: PHYS 2280 Biological Physics or BIOL 2000-level course (1 cu) | Physics course: PHYS 1240 or other intermediate PHYS course |
Math course: MATH 2400 or other math course (1 cu) | CHEM 2510 (1 cu) Biological Chemistry |
Major or general requirement (1 cu) | Major or general requirement (1 cu) |
Major or general requirement (1 cu) | Major or general requirement (1 cu) |
Mathematics skills are essential in the natural sciences. Three contiguous semesters of mathematics are required. If you complete Math 2400 or 2600 as a first-year, Math 2410 is encouraged. Alternatively any mathematics at the 2000 level and above are acceptable.
A third intermediate course in Physics is required in the second year.
A biologically relevant course is a requirement in the fall of the second year.
Physics-only majors need only complete two of CHEM 2411, CHEM 2421, and CHEM 2510.
Summer: Summer research at Penn. Stipend is provided for students to carry out full-time research.
Year 3
Third Year | |
Fall | Spring |
CHEM 2210 (1 cu) Physical Chemistry | CHEM 2220 (1 cu) Physical Chemistry |
CHEM 5510 (1 cu) Biological Chemistry | CHEM 5520 (1 cu) Biological Chemistry |
Major requirements or College requirements or Graduate courses or Electives | Major requirements or College requirements or Graduate courses or Electives |
Summer: Summer research at Penn. Stipend is provided for students to carry out full-time research.
The third and fourth years are spent completing major and general requirements and exploring academic interests via electives. Many students take graduate courses beginning in year three.
Year 4
Fourth Year | |
Fall | Spring |
BCHE 4597A / CHEM 9999 Biochemistry Laboratory (Mentored research) | BCHE 4597B / CHEM 9999 Biochemistry Laboratory (Mentored research) |
Courses toward additional major, College requirements, or graduate study | Courses toward additional major, College requirements, or graduate study |
In addition to academic and research pursuits at Penn in Year 4, many students spend substantial time and effort toward applications, interviews, and onsite visits for advanced degree programs (Ph.D. and M.D.).
We expect that most entering first-years will have advanced placement credit in Calculus I (Math 1400).
Students can complete major requirements without taking the general chemistry laboratory courses CHEM 1101 and CHEM 1102 in most cases. If a student wants or needs to take Calculus I, and/or Chemistry 1101, 1102, accommodation is possible.
Students anticipating one semester of Advanced Placement credit in chemistry should take Chem 1012 or Chemistry 1151. Those expecting Advanced Placement credit for an entire year of first-year chemistry (2-3 c.u.) should consider CHEM 1151 and CHEM 1161 or CHEM 2411, organic chemistry.
Students with Advanced Placement background in mathematics or physics are encouraged to take the appropriate math course, MATH 1410/1610/2400/2600/2410, and PHYS 0170/0171, respectively.
To ensure that the program is a good fit to student interests, preparation and long-term plans, Vagelos MLS students are expected to maintain a minimum grade point average halfway between A and B in all science and mathematics courses.
The program combined with College requirements meet premedical undergraduate course suggestions of U.S. medical schools. Most students are well positioned to take the MCAT exam after year two.
Required for Vagelos MLS are a major in Biochemistry, Biophysics, Chemistry, or Physics and a Second Major in another natural science. The most common second majors for Biochemistry Majors are Chemistry, Physics, and Biophysics. Other natural science majors include Biology, Mathematics, and Earth Science.
For Physics-only majors in Vagelos MLS, in the sophomore year, two of CHEM 2411, 2421, or 2510 are required. The Physics major requires MATH 2410, PHYS 1230, and PHYS 1250 (in place of PHYS 1240). The third and fourth years consist mostly of physics courses.